Wall Highlights
The original wall of the house was chain-link, which wasn’t quite hodgepodge enough for Nancy. She said something to the effect of “well, if we’re going to have a wall, it’s going to be weird,” to which Ron replied, “all in,” and the wall was born.
Nancy took a Welding class at the local Community College with every intention of using her new artform in the Hodgepodge Wall. Her first ever welding project is now the pigeons’ favorite roost:
If you know where to look, there is a narwhal in the wall, or as we call it, the Nar-Wall:
Nancy’s favorite part of the wall is the magic teapot. She mortared it into the wall and made mosaic waves of water coming out of it:
So, Nancy learned to weld, which was frankly awesome. She had no intention of making and arch in the wall initially, but to get the lights to the dark side of the wall, there was no other way. Originally she had simply strung the lights from post to post, to which Ron said, “One strong wind, or one slightly enthusiastic parcel truck, is going to take that whole string down, and the wall with it.” He was SO right, and the arch was born!
Nancy is a bit obsessed with the dark reds (see also wall offerings):
This is the center block at sunset! I know!
Broken AND Beautiful.